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“It takes a different kind of thinking to solve a problem than the kind of thinking that produced the problem.”
— Albert Einstein
JJ had a devastating problem. At age fifty-one, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer and given three years to live. Rather than accept that outcome, JJ did what he always does: he set out to find a solution. Desiring to look beyond traditional treatments and their often harmful side effects, he put his unconventionally wired mind to work. JJ was relentless as he investigated alternative therapies and pursued global trailblazers in cancer research. Moving from the role of patient to patient-researcher, he became a trailblazer in his own right, being sought after for his latest findings.
Ultimately, JJ brought together the most innovative international minds at the Rethinking Cancer 2017 conference in Paris. Together, they found common ground, and they continue to create integrative, synergistic approaches to treatment.
Today, almost a decade after his diagnosis, JJ has defied the odds and is cancer-free. Recently retired from his career as a commercial airline captain on the Airbus A380, he now devotes himself to sharing his ongoing research with scientists and patients.
JJ’s story illustrates how looking at things differently often enables us to see them in a whole new light.
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They bought my book… read what they said about it!
Captain Trochon is a true warrior, willing to fight like no other to win his battle against cancer. After 17 years, he is still going strong while helping hundreds of patients follow in his footsteps, giving them courage and strength. The fight against cancer would be much faster if we had more patients and advocates like him.
Prof. Valter Longo
Director of the USC Longevity Institute,Los Angeles
Jean Jacques is one of the very special patients I had during my career, and certainly in the top 2. The first one is still Bernard Giraudeau, a famous French actor, who lived with kidney cancer for more than 10 years and had these wonderful words: “since the time I had my cancer, life has never been so bright, and I realized how everything is important”, but he also added: “we have to learn how to live with cancer, we cannot fight cancer, we have to live with it”. And he did.
Jean Jacques is a very different patient, and he never told me that life was better since he had cancer, and he decided to do everything he could to fight cancer.
Two different approaches, but so incredible.
And JJ is fighting every day, every minute with all the qualities he used as a pilot: checking everything, understanding everything and retaining an incredible enthusiasm.
This enthusiasm convinced me that the ketogenic diet and metabolic treatment needed to be evaluated as a novel therapy for cancer. We organized Rethinking Cancer 2017 together and, since that time, I have been pushing oncologists to scientifically evaluate these therapeutic approaches. Results are coming and we will certainly know shortly.
But in the meantime, JJ will be there to ensure that the field is moving forward.
THANK YOU, JJ – Your friend, Bernard
Dr. Bernard Escudier,
Mediator, Institut Gustave Roussy,
This work presents unique and important questions for medicine and cancer therapy woven into the narrative of a personal journey, touching aspects of life we can all relate to and culminating in a victorious fight against cancer. The book will appeal to a wide audience and marries educational endeavor with inquisitive dissection of the spirit of answering questions that some are scared to ask.
Dr. David Quinn
Medical Director, Norris Cancer Hospital
Los Angeles
JJ Trochon provides a riveting heartfelt story of grace, courage, and recovery in his horrific battle with stage 4, malignant kidney cancer. He does a masterful job in weaving his life-long passions for aviation, rugby, and surfing into his enduring struggle to manage and eventually overcome his affliction. His wife Heather and his father, along with other family members, are acknowledged for their role in his recovery. Most importantly, JJ attributes the remarkable success in managing his cancer to several “pillars of health” including, a ketogenic diet, water-only therapeutic fasting, and a cyanobacterial biomass (spirulina), all of which selectively target the abnormal metabolism and blood vessels (angiogenesis) of malignant tumors. Also important for JJ’s success was his avoidance of toxic radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy that can contribute to rapid tumor recurrence. Emerging scientific evidence shows that most, if not all, cancers suffer a common defect where fermentation replaces oxygen-dependent respiration for growth. The success of JJ’s alternative approach to managing his metastatic tumors is consistent with the new understanding that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease that can be managed with non-toxic metabolic therapies. JJ Trochon is a pioneer and his memoir will offer hope to millions of cancer patients throughout the globe.
Prof. Thomas Seyfried
Professor of Biology, Boston College,
Boston, Massachusetts
Qu’importe la destination ! c’est le chemin pour y arriver qui compte. Tout ce temps passé à connaître puis reconnaître le chemin en vol, une rétrospective fascinante. Tout le temps à venir à inventer le nouveau chemin, celui qui mènera à la continuité de la vie, dans sa beauté pour la nature, et l’amour pour les siens. Ce n’est pas de la guérison dont on parle, c’est un prétexte futile. Bravo Jean-Jacques, nous contemplons l’ascension de votre Himalaya.
Never mind the destination, it’s the path leading there that counts. All that time spent getting to know and recognising the flight path – a fascinating retrospective. All that time ahead in which to carve out a new path, the one leading to life continuing, with all its natural beauty and its loving relationships. We’re not talking about a cure, that would be a pointless exercise. Bravo Jean-Jacques, we’re beholding your ascent to the summit of your own personal Himalayas.
(Translated from French)
Prof. Laurence Zitvogel
Professor of Immunology and Clinical Biology
Paris-Saclay University
Research Director INSERM U1015
Most valuable, authentic, fascinating, life-saving and motivating. A true call to take one’s destiny into one’s own hands…with a touch of candor that commands respect. Thank you for having written it.
Dr. Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo
Director, The Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic